Trauma & Relationships

Releasing the Blocks from the Masculine & Feminine

Henry & Terrin Ammar are joining forces for the most impactful Masterclass yet! 

A transformative experience for igniting passion, love, and attraction between the masculine and feminine.

Ready to transform trauma to love?


A Powerful Blueprint To Heal The Wounds In
The Masculine and Feminine

Real tools to identify the invisible traumas blocking
deeper love, connection, and self-confidence.

This is a trauma-informed, evidence-based framework for:

Mastering love-based attraction between masculine and feminine

Empowering the feminine to express her sensual, playful, sexy side

Empowering the masculine to channel his primal power but under control

Understanding and honoring the different needs of men and women in relationships

Sharing powerful blueprints for love-based boundaries

Building profound trust, connection, and openness

Identifying your inner traumas and resolving them with compassion

The masculine and feminine to repair their relationship with intimacy and sexuality


The Juiciest Secrets For Masculine/ Feminine Attraction

Emotionally and Physically 

This is not just for couples! 


Before you call in the love of your life, you need to create the space for love, connection, and openness.  

But traumas keep you closed off and distant; repeating patterns of emotional distrust and unhealthy attachment! 

Whether you’re in a relationship now or trying to attract one, you can’t maximize love and connection if traumas from your past are showing up.

This Masterclass is a practical, love-based guide for the masculine and feminine to identify and transcend their deepest inner blocks. 

Opening the doors for the masculine and feminine to build more ...








You Can't Hold On To Trauma and Build Love At The Same Time

The truth is you don’t get into multiple bad relationships; you get into one bad relationship that keeps repeating! 

Do you find yourself repeating patterns of codependency, insecure attachment, intimacy barriers, pent up resentment, and attracting the wrong people into your life? 

Like there is potential for something more … but true depth and emotional intimacy are lacking. 

You're repeating these patterns for a reason!

Trauma and wounds from the past are stored in the body as well as the mind. 

Unless you know how to identify the source of these wounds, you’ll never know how to break the cycle and create the love you actually desire.

Unhealed Trauma In The Feminine

How Do Inner Wounds Show Up For You?

Issues with body image, attachment, abandonment, or connecting to other women.

Avoids vulnerability to protect herself from pain.

Struggles to let down her walls and trust the masculine.

Constantly guarded, she finds it hard to open up and fully trust her partner.

Intimacy feels unsafe, leading to anxiety and discomfort in her own sexual energy.

Holds on to a masculine shield as a form of self-protection.

Loses touch with her softer, tender feminine side.

People pleasing to the point of burnout; struggles to receive and ask for help.

Carries shame and hurt from past experiences.

Unhealed Trauma In The Feminine

How Do Inner Wounds Show Up For You?

Issues with body image, attachment, abandonment, or connecting to other women.

Avoids vulnerability to protect herself from pain.

Struggles to let down her walls and trust the masculine.

Constantly guarded, she finds it hard to open up and fully trust her partner.

Intimacy feels unsafe, leading to anxiety and discomfort in her own sexual energy.

Holds on to a masculine shield as a form of self-protection.

Loses touch with her softer, tender feminine side.

People pleasing to the point of burnout; struggle to receive and ask for help.

Carries shame and hurt from past experiences.

Unhealed Trauma In The Masculine 

A need to dominate and control often masks deeper insecurities and unresolved traumas.

He struggles to communicate his feelings, leading to emotional suppression.

Resists his feminine side instead of integrating that empathy and wisdom with his masculine power.

Fear of appearing weak makes it hard for him to be open and honest about his emotions.

Attracts women who might be critical or controlling. 

Creates an atmosphere of tension instead of providing emotional safety.

Insecure attachment: shows ‘affection’ by being controlling and aggressive. 

Refuses to be emotionally vulnerable, to the point of lashing out at the closest people to him.

When triggered, he becomes avoidant and distant.


Unhealed Trauma In The Masculine 

A need to dominate and control often masks deeper insecurities and unresolved traumas.

He struggles to communicate his feelings, leading to emotional suppression.

Resists his feminine side instead of integrating that empathy and wisdom with his masculine power.

Fear of appearing weak makes it hard for him to be open and honest about his emotions.

Attracts women who might be critical or controlling.

Creates an atmosphere of tension instead of providing emotional safety.

Insecure attachment: shows ‘affection’ by being controlling and aggressive.

Refuses to be emotionally vulnerable, to the point of lashing out at the closest people to him.

When triggered, he becomes avoidant and distant.

“Trauma blocks love, but love heals trauma”

- Dr. Frank Anderson

Past Traumas Don't Have To Dictate Your Relationships!

This Masterclass is the transformative, practical guide for men, women, couples, singles ... anyone seeking to deepen love and connection in their life.

We're taking the most powerful tools and technique we've learned over the past decades!

You are getting real, evidence-based tools 

for real results

This masterclass will reveal the true neuroscience behind masculine and feminine trauma; AND give a blueprint for healing that is:

Trauma - informed
Research - backed
Evidence - based

When Past Wounds Disappear - Love Flourishes!

Genuine Emotional

Apply the dynamics of masculine/feminine polarity to reach ultimate harmony, unity, and integration in your relationship .

Passion That Is Primal
Yet Tender

Apply the dynamics of masculine/feminine polarity to reach ultimate harmony, unity, and integration in your relationship .

Confidence In Your Body and Sexual Energy 

Apply the dynamics of masculine/feminine polarity to reach ultimate harmony, unity, and integration in your relationship .

Balance Masculine Strength and Feminine Empathy 

Apply the dynamics of masculine/feminine polarity to reach ultimate harmony, unity, and integration in your relationship .

Balance Independence
With Intimacy

Apply the dynamics of masculine/feminine polarity to reach ultimate harmony, unity, and integration in your relationship .

Reawakening Fiery

Apply the dynamics of masculine/feminine polarity to reach ultimate harmony, unity, and integration in your relationship .


What's Inside The Masterclass?

Take a look at our exclusive modules for love-based healing

Love-Based Boundaries:

  • Difference between fear vs. love-based boundaries 

  • Letting people in the right amount to deepen your bond yet protect your peace

  • Create safe spaces for both partners to emotionally relax and open up

Emotional Regulation:

  • Accept that you will get triggered, it’s a matter of “when” not “if” 

  • Techniques to self-soothe and bring yourself home after a trigger

  • Learn to navigate difficult emotional moments with compassion 

Inner Child Healing (Feminine):

  • Heal the sexual traumas affecting your body image, intimacy, and ability to trust the masculine

  • Embrace your body’s innate sensuality and sexual energy

  • Release the shame of feeling “not feminine” enough

Heal, Empower, Reprogram:

  • Identify and heal past traumas affecting you now

  • Reprogram your nervous system to be open, vulnerable, and invite love

  • Empower new love-based beliefs

Masculine & Feminine Integration:

  • Channel both your masculine and feminine energies

  • For the feminine: Step into your assertive masculine side to express your independence 

  • For the masculine: Embrace intuition and empathy, using your feminine side to become a loving leader

Inner Child Healing (Masculine):

  • Masculine strength is providing safety 
  • Address childhood experiences that led you to suppress emotions

  • Accept that men DO cry: Nurture your emotions, not resist them

Early Bind Pricing!

Join the Masterclass now for $77 instead of $97

Meet Your Trauma-Informed Mentors, Henry and Terrin Ammar!

The Mission Behind The

Masculine/Feminine Project

Hi I'm

Terrin Ammar!

Terrin Ali Ammar, is a certified trauma- informed practitioner, business professional and mentor to women across the country whose mission is to inspire, encourage and empower them to heal their trauma, embody their feminine confidence and step into the Queen they were made to be!

Hi I'm

Henry Ammar!

With his unique expertise in human behavior and masculine/feminine dynamics, Henry has impacted millions of lives across the world. 

With an unparalleled ability to give people the most profound interventions and breakthroughs, he has been trusted by billionaires, entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and international communities from all walks of life. 

Now, Henry and terrin are joining forces to help men and women everywhere unearth the sacred Feminine and sacred Masculine within each other


What You Get When You Join Our Course

Behind the powerful modules inside Trauma and Relationships

Module 1.1 -  Starting From Self-Love

Self-love is not just a buzzword, it is a powerful healing modality that affects all your relationships and most importantly, affects how you feel about yourself.


The Love You Owe To Yourself

  • Cultivate an unshakable foundation of self-love that transforms your relationship with yourself and others.
  • Uncover hidden patterns that sabotage your happiness and learn how to replace them with empowering beliefs.
  • Build a relationship with yourself that attracts healthier, more fulfilling connections.
  • Absolute self-love means you don’t just love yourself, but you’re radically truthful with yourself.

Letting Others Love The Real You

  • Show up as your true self and invite relationships with people who love you authentically for who you are.
  • Break free from the fear of being vulnerable, unlocking the potential for true intimacy and trust with those you care about.
  • Release the emotional barriers that hold you back from experiencing the love you deserve.

How the Right Boundaries Deepen Your Relationships

  • Learn to establish boundaries that protect your well-being and self-respect, enhancing your relationships.
  • Say no without guilt, ensuring that your needs are prioritized in a loving and balanced way.
  • Learn the difference between love-based vs. fear-based boundaries and how each can show up in your life.



Module 1.2 -  Resolving The Emotions From Your Past

Uncover how your past experiences shape your present relationships, and learn how to break free from old patterns. By understanding and healing your history, you’ll create space for healthier, more fulfilling connections.


Unpacking Childhood Wounds That Affect You Now

  • Recognize that your inner child inside you is not gone, and will keep manifesting until you resolve that wound.
  • Unresolved wounds from the past turn to triggers that will block you from deeper love and connection.
  • Identify with your inner child and address their needs with the love and compassion they did not get in the past.

(Lovingly) Confront Your Emotional Blocks

  • Learn how to turn your past wounds into powerful sources of strength and growth.
  • Challenge and disprove the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in unhealthy patterns.
  • Experience breakthroughs that change how you view yourself and your relationships.

Breaking Down Generational Trauma

  • Identify and break free from generational cycles that perpetuate trauma and dysfunction.
  • The patterns you have now are the burdens of your legacy that your previous generations did not resolve. 
  • Know that you don’t have to carry these burdens. You can keep the gifts of your legacy and break out of toxic patterns.  



Module 1.3 -  Get (Compassionately) Curious About Your Emotional Needs

When you understand and embrace every aspect of who you are, you’ll strengthen your ability to connect deeply with others.


Where Is the Pain Coming From

  • Identify the specific parts of you that need more loving attention, even the parts that you don’t like. 
  • Foster a compassionate relationship with your inner parts, leading to healthier external relationships.
  • Experience the power of integration as a pathway to emotional freedom and fulfillment.

Vocalize What You Need Emotionally

  • Get clear on what you really need in a relationship, leading to healthier and more satisfying connections.
  • Learn to prioritize your own needs without feeling guilty, so you don’t feel burned out or overlooked in any relationship.
  • Build stronger relationships by confidently and lovingly communicating your boundaries.

How New Experiences Heal You

  • Rewire your emotional responses to create more positive, loving interactions. 
  • Break free from negative patterns by experiencing the kind of love you’ve always wanted. 
  • Build trust in yourself and others by consistently choosing love over fear.

Module 2.1 -  Navigating The “Messy Middle”


When couples do the work together, they are bound to meet at a messy middle where both have an awareness of , but . Those conflicts will happen; it’s not a question of avoiding them but overcoming them with love.


Be Vulnerable When You Need To - Even If It’s Hard

  • Getting triggered always happens in relationships; it’s a matter of “when” not “if” 
  • Gain tools to navigate the challenges and uncertainties that arise in relationships.
  • Learn to embrace the discomfort of growth as a necessary step toward deeper connection.

Healing Through Forgiveness

  • Heal old wounds that block your ability to fully love and be loved.
  • You cannot move forward with love if part of you wants to “get back” at people who’ve hurt you before.
  • Unlock true, genuine forgiveness and let it lead you to a more compassionate relationship with yourself.

Releasing Built-Up Resentment

  • Identify why feelings of resentment and deep frustration might be building up in your relationship.
  • Explore what’s triggering you to become resentful in the first place; releasing that pain and making room for love.
  • Transform bitterness into compassion and understanding, creating space for healing.



Module 2.2 -  Releasing The Past

Gain a compassionate, non-judgemental understanding of the unresolved triggers and tensions that show up now—both in you and in your partner—and how to release them.


Identify The Past In The Present

  • Recognize how past wounds and unresolved issues continue to influence your current relationships.
  • Understand the triggers that bring up old pain, allowing you to address them consciously and compassionately.
  • Develop an awareness of when past experiences manifest here and now.

Leading Wiith Love Vs. Leading With Fear

  • Lead your relationships with genuine openness, holding a safe space to be vulnerable and share deep emotional needs. 
  • Empower yourself and your partner to be vocal about what you need from each other to heal.  
  • Create an environment of mutual support and understanding, where both you and your partner feel safe to express your true selves.

Resolve Your Past, Empower Your Future

  • Identify the fears that are holding you back in relationships, and learn how to overcome them.
  • Transform relationship anxieties into opportunities for deeper connection and intimacy.
  • Break free from fear-based patterns that limit your capacity to love fully and openly.



Module 2.3 -  Mastering Your Emotions

Use your emotions as a guide to freedom, healing old wounds and finding strength in vulnerability. By mastering your emotions, you’ll create more balanced and fulfilling relationships.


The Emotional ‘Scale’ That Tells You Exactly Where You Are

  • You are either 1) emotionally dysregulated, 2) emotionally regulated, or 3) mastering your emotions 
  • Find out exactly where you are on the emotional scale and what is blocking you from reaching more regulation or mastery. 
  • How emotional mastery is the key to loving relationships but also leadership, impact, and legacy.

How Emotions Lead You To Inner Freedom

  • Your emotions are messengers, not dictators. They signal to you where you’re not free in your relationships.
  • Guided processes for identifying your emotional needs now and how to lovingly express them.
  • If you don’t master your emotions, they master you. Learn to use them as a compass leading to your freedom.

Why You Can’t Heal Without Emotional Mastery

  • Master your emotions to break free from the patterns that sabotage your relationships, allowing love to flourish without past burdens.
  • Learn to stay grounded and present during emotional triggers, turning moments of potential conflict into opportunities for deeper understanding.
  • Use emotional mastery to create a relationship dynamic where both partners feel seen, heard, and fully supported.

Module 3.1 - A Science-Backed theory That Leads To Your Emotional Freedom


Understanding how your nervous system affects your emotions changes everything. When you not only understand but apply these principles, you’ll transform your emotional landscape and relationships.


Your Body “Feels” Emotions Too

  • Gain insight into how your nervous system affects your emotional and relational health.
  • Learn to regulate your nervous system, leading to better emotional balance and resilience in relationships.
  • Discover the link between your nervous system and your ability to connect deeply with others.

From Fear-Based Survival to Love-Based Safety

  • Use the principles of Polyvagal Theory to create deep, fulfilling emotional safety and security in your relationships.
  • Learn how to soothe your nervous system and create calm, supportive spaces for emotional intimacy.
  • Discover the specific techniques that empower you to stop reacting with fear and start responding with love.

Resolving Emotional Wounds So They Don’t Come Back

  • How a regulated nervous system will build stronger, more authentic connections.
  •  Experience deeper connection by being fully present and emotionally available in your relationships.
  • Strengthen your emotional bonds by consistently responding with calm, love, and understanding rather than fear and reactivity.



Module 3.2 - Unmasking Hidden Fears That Damage Your Relationship

By identifying and understanding how fears show up, you’ll be empowered to dismantle them and build deeper, more trusting connections.


Identifying Fear-Based Behaviors

  • Recognize common behaviors driven by fear, such as avoidance, control, or emotional withdrawal.
  • Understand how these fear-based reactions undermine trust and intimacy in your relationships.
  • Learn to spot the signs of fear before they escalate into patterns that damage your connection.

Facing Your Relationship Fears

  • Explore the root causes of your fears, whether they stem from past experiences, insecurities, or unmet needs.
  • Develop strategies to confront these fears head-on, rather than allowing them to dictate your actions.
  • Gain confidence in your ability to handle vulnerability, transforming fear into a source of strength.

How To Go From Fear To Trust, Openness, and Connection

  • Learn how to communicate your fears openly with your partner, fostering greater understanding and closeness.
  • Practice techniques that help you replace fear-driven behaviors with trust-building actions.
  • Create a relationship dynamic where both partners feel safe, valued, and free to express their true selves without fear.



Module 3.3 -  Healing The Masculine and Feminine

The biggest sign that the masculine or feminine have healed from past traumas is when they can fully embody masculine energy or feminine energy; creating a balance that fuels healing, connection, and passionate love.


Activating The Masculine’s Energy

  • Learn how to embody your masculine power in a way that is both strong and compassionate.
  • Understand the role of the masculine in creating safety, passion, and lasting attraction in relationships.
  • Experience the transformative impact of stepping into your true masculine self, enhancing all areas of your life.

Activating The Feminine’s Energy

  • Tap into the power of your feminine energy to create deeper emotional connections.
  • Learn how to express your feminine side in ways that are authentic, playful, and magnetic.
  • Understand how the feminine energy nurtures love, intimacy, and passion in relationships.

The Perfect Balance

  • Enhance your relationships by understanding and embodying both your masculine and feminine sides.
  • Use this balance to create deeper passion, connection, and fulfillment in your love life.
  • Experience the wholeness that comes from integrating all aspects of yourself into a unified, empowered being.